
Lunar Gathering / Clarity Breathwork (IT/DE/EN)

lun 13/01/2025 •19:30 - 21:30 • 120 min

IT: durante questa Luna Piena Manuel ti guiderà in una sessione di gruppo dove respireremo insieme, sciogliendo i propri blocchi inconsci che risiedono nella memoria cellulare. Simile a uno stato ipnotico, questa tecnica di respirazione, accompagnata da un set musicale appositamente creato, ci aiuterà a portare il proprio corpo in uno stato di coscienza espansa, superare la mente dell'ego e accedere a livelli più profondi del subconscio. In questo modo il nostro mondo inizierà un continuo e costante cambiamento verso una vita più dinamica, attiva e ricca di significato in tutti gli ambiti dell’esistenza. Questa tecnica delicata di respirazione ha un effetto positivo sullo stato del sistema nervoso e sul proprio benessere psico-fisico.


DE: In einer Gruppen Session während der Vollmond nutzt du deinen Atem, um im Körper gespeicherte Stresszyklen zu beenden und belastende Erlebnisse aus der Vergangenheit zu bewältigen. Die achtsame Methode wirkt positiv auf deinen Körper und dein Nervensystem. Ähnlich einem hypnotischen Zustand hilft die aktivierende Atemtechnik, begleitet von einem spezifisch zusammengestellten Musikset, den Körper in einen erweiterten Bewusstseinszustand zu bringen und somit auf tiefere Ebenen des Unter- bewusstsein zugreifen zu können.


EN: During this full moon Manuel will guide you in a Clarity Breathwork, a gentle breathing practice that activates the subconscious mind and brings insight that is not as easily accessed through traditional therapy. It opens energy channels in the body to allow for things that may have been repressed to surface and be healed and released. This powerful and nurturing style of Breathwork helps us discover deeper awareness, clear away old energies, patterns, negative thoughts, and opens the way for new life and greater consciousness.

Yoga Workshop
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As a dedicated Clarity Breathworker and Counselor , my mission is to help individuals unlock the transformative power of their breath to enhance their overall well-being. With a deep understanding of the mind-body connection, I guide my clients through various breathing techniques that promote relaxation, reduce stress, and foster emotional healing. I believe that breath is not just a physiological function but a vital tool for self-discovery and personal growth. My approach is rooted in compassion and empathy, creating a safe and supportive environment where individuals can explore their inner selves. Whether you are seeking to alleviate anxiety, improve focus, or simply cultivate a deeper sense of peace, I am here to support you on your journey. Through personalized sessions, workshops, and group classes, I aim to empower people to harness their breath as a means of self-care and resilience. Together, we can navigate the challenges of life, fostering a greater sense of connection to oneself and the world around us. I am passionate about helping others find their breath, find their voice, and ultimately, find their path to healing and fulfillment.

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30,00 €

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lun 13/01/2025 •19:30 - 21:30 • 120 min