The Art of Vinyasa Workshop + Healthy Lunch (IT)

Online stream
Starts on Saturday, 02/03/2024
Price from 25.00 €



Livello intermedio - 120 minuti

Per molti può sembrare semplicemente uno stile di yoga dinamico ma in realtà Vinyasa racchiude in sé la più grande metafora della vita; in cui ogni passo succede un altro passo, ogni azione succede a una reazione, ogni strada porta ad unica destinazione oppure diverse strade portano alla stessa destinazione.

Così accade anche sul tappetino, muovendosi in tutte le direzioni dello stesso, ogni posizione succede ad un’altra attraverso un’infinita rete di collegamenti e questi collegamenti, “transizioni”, caratterizzano il grande potere del Vinyasa. 

Per chi è affascinato dai flow creativi, per chi ha sempre bisogno di una guida ma da un lato vorrebbe assaporare il piacere dell’indipendenza e lasciarsi guidare dal proprio intuito, in questo workshop dopo 60 minuiti di flow potente ma guidato, ti darò gli strumenti per riuscire a costruire il tuo flow personale in piena autonomia.


Dopo il workshop avrai l'opportunità di socializzare e di nutrirti con un pranzo salutare nel giardino del Parkhotel Mondschein composto da:

  • un antipasto vegetariano
  • un piatto principale vegetariano
  • Aqua aromatizzata

Lingua di insegnamento: ITALIANO



Intermediate level - 120 minutes

To many it may seem simply a dynamic style of yoga, but in reality Vinyasa encapsulates the greatest metaphor of life; where every step succeeds another step, every action succeeds a reaction, every road leads to a single destination or several roads lead to the same destination.

So it also happens on the mat, moving in all directions on the mat, each position succeeds another through an infinite network of connections and these connections, 'transitions', characterise the great power of Vinyasa. 

For those who are fascinated by creative flows, for those who always need guidance but on the other hand would like to savour the pleasure of independence and be guided by their own intuition, in this workshop after 60 minutes of powerful but guided flow, I will give you the tools to be able to build your own personal flow independently.


After the workshop you will have the opportunity to network and nourish yourself with a healthy lunch in the Parkhotel Mondschein garden consisting of:

  • Vegeterian appetizer
  • Vegeterian Main Dish
  • Infused water

Teaching Language: Italian

Online stream

There is an online stream available for this activity. To participate, take the following steps:

  • Make sure to read the description of your booked activity in advance to know which streaming provider your studio. Download the necessary app to your laptop, tablet or smartphone
  • Access to the online livestream is available 15 minutes before the start of the activity. Simply go to "My bookings" and click on "Join online stream now" to be redirected to the corresponding page
  • With some streaming providers (e.g. Zoom) it is possible for participants to see each other. However, it is theoretically possible to deactivate the camera function. The name you enter when entering the online meeting room is displayed to other participants. However, you can always change your name (e.g. only the initials). Please note: Individual rules for online participation may apply for each class or venue.


1.02/03/202410:00 - 13:00Piavestraße 15, 39100 Bozennot specified

* All prices including VAT