Lunar Gatherings - The Weave DeeplyMovingMeditation Ritual (EN)

Starts on Wednesday, 18/09/2024
Price 30.00 €


In this full moon Sebastien Paris, Vibrational Behavioural Expert, will guide us through 8 DeeplyMovingMeditation Rituals for Optimal Hydration, Respiration, Digestion and Longevity: LoveEmbodiedLiving.

Through his Vibrationally Crafted DeeplyMovingMeditations, he eases you seamlessly and effortlessly into your best version of yourself: LoveEmbodied: Awear of Love.

The Weave combines Brain, Breath and Bodywork to let you drop from the rational mind into the heart space. Blending the wisdom of the Elements in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda get ready for a completely new approach.

The 8 elemental practices we will go through together are:

  1. Air: PausitiveBreathing: RespirationMovingMeditation
  2. Earth: PausitiveEating: DigestionMovingMeditation with a cacao bean
  3. Water: TeaWeave: HydrationMovingMeditation with tea
  4. Space: Chants to Bloom: ResonationMovingMeditation
  5. Connection: ReVersing into Love
  6. Fire: BurningInSense
  7. Wood: InterViewingLove
  8. Metal: Tug of Awe

More Infos on:

Trainer :

Sebastien Paris

VibrationalPolymath - Founder of Awear of Love: The Vibrational Art & Science of VibrationalLiving Sebastien Paris is a VibrationalBehaviouralExpert. Through his VibrationallyCrafted DeeplyMovingMeditations, he eases you seamlessly and effortlessly into your best version of yourself: LoveEmbodied: Awear of Love. He calls his Calling, ‘The Weave: BrainBreathBodyWork’. He has over forty years experience in Sports Science and over thirty years experience in SubtleEnergyScience. LoveAligned: Living a HighVibeLowKeyLifestyle, his LoveIntention is to Weave the World’s best version of itself: LoveEmbodied: Awear of Love.


1.18/09/202418:30 - 20:30Piavestraße 15, 39100 BozenSebastien Paris

* All prices including VAT