
Inner Gardens

EN Join us on an inner journey. Because the guidance you desire is already within you. Clara holds a safe space for you in which you can surrender to your inner processes and...
 4 Workshops
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Lunar Gatherings

In this full moon Sebastien Paris, Vibrational Behavioural Expert, will guide us through 8 DeeplyMovingMeditation Rituals for Optimal Hydration, Respiration, Digestion and Longevity: LoveEmbodiedLi...
 2 Workshops
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(IT) Due seminari per avanzare la tua pratica di yoga. Noemi di Bella insegante di Ashtanga Yoga che abita e lavora in Thailandia ci spiegherà le tecniche e i trucchi per aprire la colonna vertebra...
 1 Workshop
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Traditional Cinese Medicine

Incontro esperienziale che ci porta a comprendere la visione della Medicina Tradizionale Cinese in relazione alle fasi della stagione Estate (movimento Fuoco) e della Tarda Estate (movimento Terra)...
 1 Workshop
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Sound Healing

During this new moon in libra, Arianna & Lauren, the yin yang sisters will guide you in a deeply immersive, full-body listening experience that int...
 1 Workshop
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How intimate are you with your body? How well you know her/him? Touch is an innate need in humanity, most of us have forgotten the potency and simplicity of a safe and...
 2 Workshops
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Cacao Ceremony

(EN) In this Full Moon in Gemini Arianna will guide you though a Cacao Ceremony and Visualisation Journey. In the Cacao Ceremony you will taste ceremonial pure cacao,...
 1 Workshop
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* All prices including VAT